Monday, August 07, 2006

The Devil's Own (1997, dir. Alan J. Pakula)

The Devil's Own (1997, dir. Alan J. Pakula)

What Is It?: A New York thriller about one of the Troubles of Northern Ireland (Brad Pitt) comeing to America to live in the basement of a credulous, kind-hearted cop (Harrison Ford).

What About It?: By no means is the Lost Classic trying to say that this is a great film -- we are not -- but we are saying that there is much to recommend this movie. Is one of those things Brad Pitt's accent? Well, sure. It gets under your skin and much fun is to be had relaying its peculiarities to one's friends. Another is that the flick is truly gorgeous, with Gordon Willis behind the lens in his last film (so far). It's nowhere near as deep as it wants to be, playing with the morality of violence and blah, blah, blah, but it's a gripping drama that goes well with a couple of beers and a bowl of popcorn.

Why Should I See It?: Because you can't think of anything else, and you like the two main actors, who seem to genuinely dislike each other in the scenes where their animosity reaches its apex. It's worth your time.

What Else Is It Like?: City Hall, The General, The Anderson Tapes.

When Is It Showing Until ON DEMAND?: 09/30/06

Watch It ON DEMAND on Comcast cable.



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