Friday, January 05, 2007

Broadcast News (1987, dir. James L. Brooks)

Broadcast News (1987, dir. James L. Brooks)

What Is It?: A "backstage" romantic comedy, centering on a trio of (late) thirtysomething urban professionals working at a network evening news program.

What About It?: Broadcast News is a funny, melodramatic, romantic comedy that's a pleasant, well-crafted throwback to earlier media-bound examples of the genre (see below). James L. Brooks owes an obvious debt to both Billy Wilder and Howard Hawks in his films -- tightly scripted (some might say "airless"), with strong female characters and highly choreographed pratfalls. The film is no different: the dialog and scripting are a deft as they come, Holly Hunter (and, really, all of the female cast members) is powerful and complicated and, among other scenes, Joan Cusack does this delightful run to get a late tape on air.

Why Should I See It?: This is a high mark for romantic comedies in general, in addition to being somewhat of a touchstone 80's film. Something about Brooks' handling of the details makes this an indelible reminder of the time, much like Annie Hall is for the late 70's. Albert Brooks does is at what is easily his most likable character (Finding Nemo notwithstanding), stealing his scenes with genius line readings, Holly Hunter shot to prominence following this role and William Hurt is good ol' mildly charismatic William Hurt. This also improves upon repeat viewings and is worth checking out again, if you haven't seen it in a while.

What Else Is It Like?: His Girl Friday (and all the various permutations of The Front Page), Tootsie, Ace in the Hole.

When Is It Playing Until ON DEMAND?: 2/22/07

Watch It ON DEMAND On Comcast Cable.

-- ddt/pdx

What's New This Week (That's Worth Watching to One Degree or Another)?: Idle Hands, Species, All the Kings Men (1949), American Yakuza, Boys, FM, The Return of Frank James, Somewhere in Time, Spaceman, Door to Door, Titanic.


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