Sunday, January 14, 2007

Only Angels Have Wings (1939, dir. Howard Hawks)

Only Angels Have Wings (1939, dir. Howard Hawks)

What Is It?: An exotic action/drama, with Hawks in fine man's-man mode, featuring another excellent dramatic turn from Cary Grant.

What About It?:
Set in the Peruvian jungle, at the base of the Andes, Grant runs a mail service airline delivering -- in a journey fraught with peril -- over the mountain range. To get over the jagged peaks, the airline's antiquated planes must fly through a notch in the range as their engines aren't strong enough to go over the top. The actors, however, have plenty enough power to play their parts to the hilt. Grant is an excellent, macho Hawks hero, Jean Arthur is sassy and appealing as always, and Rita Hayworth stops all looking their tracks in her A-list movie debut. Thomas Mitchell, a Lost Classic favorite, has a great turn in a year that was filled with great films for him: Stagecoach, Gone With the Wind and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

Why Should I See It?: For a rip-roaring, old fashioned action adventure with snappy dialogue spoken by those who were born to banter (see above). To be sure there's some hokum in here, but it's really easy to overlook when you see all that you're getting for your time. Heartily recommended, this is yet another true Lost Classic.

What Else Is It Like?: Rio Bravo, Flight From Glory, Sorcerer.

When Is It Playing Until ON DEMAND?: 2/2/07

Watch It ON DEMAND On Comcast Cable.

-- ddt/pdx

What's New This Week (That's Worth Watching to One Degree or Another)?:
A Few Dollars More, Bound for Glory, A Fistful of Dollars, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Hang 'Em High, Last Action Hero, Rob Roy, Run Lola Run, Yentl.


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