Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Silverado (1985, dir. Lawrence Kasdan)

Silverado (1985, dir. Lawrence Kasdan)

What Is It?: Kasdan's attempt to revitalize the Super-Western in the wake of his ginormo success with The Big Chill.

What About It?: It's a too-big-for-its-britches rollicking fun 80's action film, typified by its overlong running time and its three subplots (and villains) too many. That said, Kasdan clearly wants you to have a good time, and it's hard to begrudge him that. And, it's easy to forget just how darned appealing Kevin Kline was in his prime. He had this impeccable easy charm that few have replicated since. Of course he's about as 19th century as a microwave, but who cares?

Why Should I See It?: If you want to rock out to some excellent gun battles, a pre-Lethal Weapon Danny Glover and a pre-everything Kevin Costner hamming it up as the wild youth, you're in luck. Easy to spend time with, even if it asks for a bit too many minutes.

What Else Is It Like?:
Lonesome Dove, Open Range, The Magnificent Seven.

When Is It Playing Until ON DEMAND?: 2/14/07

Watch It ON DEMAND On Comcast Cable.

-- ddt/pdx

What's New This Week (That's Worth Watching to One Degree or Another)?: After Dark, My Sweet, In the Heat of the Night, Lilies of the Field, Love Object, The Bride, Mandela, Mississippi Burning, Random Hearts, Remains of the Day, Stargate, The Kiss, They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!.


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